December 23, 1957 – March 6, 2012
at the age of 54 years
Celebration of Life, Saturday, March 24, 2012 1:00 pm
Silver Creek Seniors Centre
Steven’s life was tragically taken on March 6, 2012 at the age of 54. Born in Salmon Arm on December 23, 1957, his life was both simple and complex. He was loved dearly and truly, for who he was, by his girlfriend and love Wendy, her two girls Kendra and Hannah, his little buddy Liam, folks Sam & Tammie, sisters Susan (Les), Diane (JP, deceased), brother Terry (Val), aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and true friends.
Steven has taken a part of everyone’s lives and will be remembered with love.
A celebration of Steven’s life will be held on Saturday, March 24, 1:00 p.m. at the Silver Creek Senior’s Hall.
My condolences go out to the Nakazawa family . Sorry for your loss. Eve this must be very sad for you also 🙁 Hugz and much love to all. Steven touch many hearts . Tracee.
Well E.L. I don’t know you but I can say the same. I just found this out moments ago and I’m tore up real bad here. An old friend once said that some of these hit you harder than others and this one is it for me. I hadn’t seen Steven probably since the eighties when he worked at his Dads salvage yard. I always wondered what happened to him. Was he still there? Everytime I passed by I thought I should check. Always was going to someday and now… I feel like I’ve been hit by a Mac truck.
Steven was the greatest friend to me I could possibly imagine in my difficult growing up years. He was a rebel and a rascal and he had my back 110% when I needed it most. He went to bat for me, taught me how to “be cool” and what was his was mine, don’t even need to ask pal. If you look up free spirit in the dictionary his picture must be there. I am truly grief stricken this day.
I didn’t know your family Steven but I am so so sorry. Be strong. Be cool. Be yourself…I’m sure he’d agree, at all costs, be yourself.
Til me meet again my good friend, I’ll never forget you and all you did for me. I am so sad.
A long time ago I was blessed to have Steven in my life. He had the greatest capacity for love, laughter and adventure. Thank you, Steve. Such a tragic loss and my deepest sympathy and condolences to Steve’s family and loved ones.
Sam, Tammie and family I am so very sorry for your loss. God give you strengh.
I am so very sorry to hear of your sudden loss. Please let Susan know I am thinking of her, and all of you with sorrow. Marg
Stevie / Alex
Took a while to sink in but now I get it. I won’t see you again. Hard to swallow. I remember the last time we hung out with fondness. It was always like that. I admire the way you approached everything with zeal. Whatever we were up to whether on the mark or sometimes “slightly misguided” we always did it with passion and conviction. You can’t find that kind of running mate just anywhere. A lot of water under the bridge my friend and a lot of time and space apart will never erase the special place I keep for you in my heart. I know you know that.
I’m sorry for your passing, Steve. Say hi to Rooster.
My condolences to all of the Nakazawa family.
I remember one of your favourite sayings, I used it for years myself. “some fun, huh Bambi?” And it was, it sure wasn’t boring, right or wrong, you wt ere a part of both of our lives that makes us shake our head and laugh. We were just talking about the day when Rose was driving The Taz. How on earth she got the keys, I’ll never know. She went flying past the Youth Center with flames shooting out of the breather because she didn’t know how to shift down properly…..just ripping up 5th Ave down from Shuswap up to the carwash…lol. That was a fast car. Rose and I will have as part of our story telling for ever. Much love to your family old and new.
Sorry for your loss everyone
Wow! I kept thinking and thinking how in the world this could happen. Your driving skills were your perfection! Steve your good hearted nature is what attracted many to love you. My heart goes out to you Sam , Tammy , Susan and Terry. May your healing journey be filled with love and memories.
So many memories of the past, you being in many of them. Thank you for being a part of that.
My condolences to your family.
Good bye Steve…..
What a sudden surprise condolences to your family and friends. Robin and Rennie
So long Stevie good to know you, I bet your driving a hemi four gear some where with the tunes cranked, rip dude.
Wendy (Winnie), Kendra, Hannah, Liam and Helen, Steven’s family, and many friends – I will be praying for you all as you mourn and process the life and loss of Steven. Rejoice in the love and advenutres you shared during his journey here on earth. Love and hugs, Jana
Steve, Thanks for everything you’ve done for me and Liam in this last year, I’m very thankful for how you loved and cared for him so much. I know we had out ups and downs as I got older but you where a great memory of my childhood :). I know mom is going to miss you dearly and I’m going to try my hardest to be there for her. I love you even if you didn’t know it …. and so did Liam, Take care Much Love <3
Will never forget your smile… and I agree with JZ about the loss of another one from the good old sympathy to the family. much time has gone between us. I’m sorry for your family and anyone you may have been close to in these past few years. I won’t forget your laugh.
Am getting somewhat frustrated/sad/lonely? Must be the moon! Will miss you SN. And all the rest,from our era. Good thing tears don’t blott a computor. JZ.